What Clients Say

Over the years, I’ve been proud to have worked with many inspiring clients on customer feedback and text analytics projects for major international brands. These are a few of the things they’ve said about the impact that text analytics had on their own organisations.

You don’t manage customer loyalty, you manage the drivers of loyalty. Find out why your customers want to leave and then tackle the root causes of those issues.”

— David Mingle, General Motors

It is unbelievable the insight that we are now able to show to the retailers. We’re not having conversations about scores and numbers any more, but talking about the real issues that they need to improve their customer experience.”

— Mark Crandon, BMW GB

By being able to quickly understand customer complaints and act on them, we can resolve issues before they escalate to Ombudsman level.”

— Tom Caley, Origin Energy

Text analytics has given P&O Ferries the meaning behind its Net Promoter Score. We can now quickly and easily identify exactly what our customers are telling us to improve, and what we need to do more of.

— Jenny Lorimer, P&O Ferries